Not responding is a response – we are equally responsible for what we don’t do. – Jonathan Safran Foer

How You Can Help



No amount of support is ever regarded as too small. We are always grateful for any contributions.

Become a Member

Becoming a member of the Franschhoek SPCA is a wonderful way to contribute to our cause.

Volunteer a Service

We need the assistance of people with different skills that will help us help the animals.

MySchool Card

If you list Franschhoek SPCA as your My Planet/MySchool Card beneficiary, every time you swipe your card we receive a small donation.

Corporate Sponsorship

Companies wishing to support the Franschhoek SPCA can do so in several ways and it makes a huge difference.

Fundraise for Us

Ask people to donate to the Franschhoek SPCA rather than buying you a gift for your birthday, anniversary or wedding. Or run a marathon or cycle a race and ask friends and loved ones to donate to the Franschhoek SPCA in honour of your achievement.

Leave a Bequest

One sentence in your Will can make a significant difference to an animal's life. When you're drawing up your Will, please consider leaving a bequest to the Franschhoek SPCA. You could leave a cash donation, a specific property, or a percentage of the residual of your estate (what is left after all other bequests and taxes have been paid). Bequests are critical to the long-term viability of animal welfare organisations like the SPCA. They provide a stable source of funding and help us continue our vital work.

Our Wish List

We would be very grateful if you could donate an item or items from our wish list.